Children’s work This work is primarily for any child or parents with young children below the S1 year group.
Monday –
Art and Craft Club
P7’s Transitions group this is for all primary school pupils based in the 8 primary schools within the area who are moving up to the Tain Royal Academy school in August of this year
Wednesdays Toddler group and Baking club
Fridays – Under 1’s support group for but not exclusively for young parents
Young Carers programme
Monthly Disco last Friday of the month
School Holidays
Easter, Summer and October half term and subject to funding / grants we provide
Free meals every day to any child.
Children’s Activity Afternoons
Toddler group
We Hire out the YMCA on a Saturday for private hires normally children’s Birthday Parties
Other support
includes supporting Social Services with supervised contact times
Targeted family support as and when required
Schools work with primary schools, Cala Child Smiles etc etc
Youth Work programme
Our target group is any young person in TRA school from S1 upwards
Monday –Girls work with Lorna Gordon
Tuesday –Drop In
Wednesday – Monthly Young Leaders meetings
Thursday – Drop In activity night
Friday – Monthly Disco called ‘Club Neon’ on the first Friday of each month
Other programmes include
National Awards work including Saltire, Dynamic Youth and Youth Achievement
Young leaders group made up of Young volunteers who work in our coffee Bar, manage the PA / Discos and who provide feedback to the Board of management
Boxing Keep fit training Tuesdays and Saturdays
One to one support of TRA pupils three times a week – term time only
One weekly sessions run by the Good to Grow organisation term time only
Community groups
Weekly Adult Additional needs group
Tain Bag pipers